Other external authentication methods

The integration of GLPI and authentication sources beyond internal, LDAP, and IMAP is configured from the Setup > Authentication > Other authentication methods menu.

Central Authentication Service (CAS)

The configuration of a CAS server is comprised on the address of the server and its port (default 443). A base directory can be specified if needed. The return web address parameter allows you to redirect the user to a specific page after they log out from GLPI.


Once the CAS authentication is activated, each authentication is automatically redirected to the CAS server. In order to log into an internal account or one authenticated through a different method, you have to add « ?noAUTO=1 » to the login URL.


The php-curl or php-dom extensions are required to be enabled for CAS authentication to function.

x509 certificate

The Email attribute for x509 authentication tells GLPI to look at the value of this attribute in the SSL_CLIENT_S_DN HTTP request variable passed by the authentication system.

It is possible to restrict the accepted values for the O, OR, and CN fields of the client certificate. In order to specify multiple values for each field, you may separate each value with the $ symbol.

Other automatic authentications

GLPI can rely on other external systems to authenticate users such as:

  • Basic Apache authentication

  • Windows domain authentication

  • Authentication coming from an authentication server like LemonLDAP::NG, Shibboleth, etc

When the user wishes to reach GLPI, this one checks the presence of a variable in the HTTP headers storing the login/username. If the variable is present, the authentication is allowed to be done. We can map the data transmitted by the authentication system with the fields of the user account of GLPI (name, first name, email, language…). To finish, the controls of authorizations are carried out. An option allows to remove the domain of the user’s login (Ex: testuser@example.com > testuser).


The list of possible names for the headers is configurable, although the most common ones are already provided by GLPI. See Configuring headings.