Business rules for tickets

A mechanism is available to modify the attributes of the ticket automatically when a ticket is opened or updated.

The available criteria are all the attributes of the ticket (title, description, status, category, urgency, impact, priority, source of the request, type of asset, group/user/location requesters, assigned to supplier/group/technician, type of asset, entity) as well as others related to email collectors (headers …).

The possible actions are to modify certain attributes of the ticket (status, category, urgency, impact, priority, requesters group/user/location, assigned to supplier/group/ technician). It is also possible to assign a ticket to a device according to data present in the ticket (attribution on the IP address, the full name and the domain, the MAC address) or even send a validation request.


business rules for tickets can be played when opening and/or updating tickets depending on the parameter defined in the rule. During the update, only the modified fields (by the action on the ticket or by the rules previously executed) trigger the rules. Thus a rule having criteria corresponding to unmodified fields will not be executed.


the engine plays all the rules one after the other. The result of the previous rules is passed to the current rule. This means that if a previous rule modifies an attribute used by the current rule, it is the modified value of this one that will be processed.

When using GLPI in multi-entities, the business rules for the tickets can be recursive, i.e. they can be defined on an entity with an application on the entity itself and on the sub-entities.

Three tabs are available:

  • applied rules (entity name): all the rules of the parent entities played (only if you have the authorization Business rules (parent) on the authorization Business rules for tickets (entity);

  • local rules: the list of rules defined for the current entity;

  • rules applicable in sub-entities: all the rules applied after those of the current entity.


Special case for the Emergency and Impact fields

If you define an emergency and/or an impact via a business rule, you should also consider adding the Recalculate priority action so that it is based on the fields you have just defined.