Data centers

Data centers management in GLPI, more precisely management of servers rooms and racks, allows to:

  • Create an inventory of data centers, rooms and racks of the organization;

  • Include data centers in GLPI financial management;

  • Use other modules for data centers management, in particular Assets module which provides a detailed graphical representation of racks.

Data center

Data center in itself is a very simple object, with a name and a location, and allows only to group server rooms.

A GLPI data center

The different tabs

Server rooms

This tab displays server rooms attached to the data center and allows to add new rooms.

List of server rooms attached to the data center

All Information

For an item, all information is displayed on one page from the All tab. This shows all of the tabs of an object’s form in one view, one below the other.

Server room

A server room is represented in GLPI by a schematic map. This map gives the space available in the room to place racks.

A server room can be attached to a data center and to a location.

A GLPI server room


The map is a grid defined by a number of lines and columns. One rack consumes one square.

The background image can enhance room visualization, in particular if this image has been generated by a dedicated tool.

The different tabs


This tab allow to display and modify the map of a server room by adding directly on the map the racks composing the room.

If the room contains many elements, it is possible to switch from a grid view to a list view.

Map of a server room

Impact analysis

This tab allow to display and build the impact schema for the data center.

An impact schema for a data center


Management of financial and administrative information, this information is visible in the “Management” tab on the computer’s form.

Management screen

By default this management is disabled. It is possible to activate the financial information on any type of object in the inventory by using the link in the Management tab of the material detail.

Enable management


It is possible to activate the administrative and financial information from the massive actions on a set of elements (computer, monitor, …)


It is possible to activate the administrative and financial information as soon as an element is created. See « Enable default administrative and financial information » option in Setup > General > Asset tab.

Financial information consists of the following items:


  • Order date

  • Date of purchase

  • Delivery date

  • Date of implementation

  • Date of last physical inventory

  • Date of reform

Financial and administrative information

  • Supplier: Third party who sold the equipment. See Managing suppliers. Suppliers are managed from the menu Management > Suppliers.

  • Order number : number of the order of the equipment.

  • Asset number.

  • Invoice number: equipment invoice number.

  • Delivery note: delivery note for the equipment.

  • Value: cost of the equipment.

  • Warranty extension value: cost of the warranty extension, but preferably use contracts.

  • Account net value: this is the automatic calculation of the gross value of a piece of equipment minus the amount of depreciation.

  • Type of depreciation: choice of the type of depreciation between linear and declining balance.

  • Depreciation period: depreciation period expressed in years.

  • Depreciation coefficient: coefficient applied to a straight-line depreciation type in order to obtain the values of the declining balance type. It is therefore only used if the type of depreciation is declining balance.

  • TCO (value+amount of interventions): the total cost of ownership which includes all the constituent elements of an invoiced product.

  • Budget: the budget on which this equipment was purchased See Managing the budget.

  • Order date: date on which the material was ordered.

  • Purchase date: date on which the equipment was purchased.

  • Delivery date: date on which the equipment was delivered.

  • Startup date: date on which the equipment was put into service.

  • Date of last physical inventory: date of the last physical inventory of the equipment.

  • Comments.

  • Monthly TCO: TCO divided by the number of months between today’s date and the date of purchase of the equipment.

Warranty information

  • Warranty start date: date on which the warranty of the equipment starts

  • Warranty information: text qualifying the warranty

  • Warranty period: duration of the warranty expressed in months

    If a warranty start date and a warranty period are set, the information « Expires on » will appear with a date in red if it is earlier than the current date

All the dates defined can be managed automatically according to changes in the status of the equipment. Some dates can also be copied from another date. All this configuration is done by [entity](administration_entity_delegation.dita).


GLPI allows you to configure a notification on the expiry of the hardware warranty. This is configurable by entity in notification management to define the models and recipients used and in the administration of entities to enable or disable this feature, define the default values and anticipate the sending of the notification if necessary.

GLPI can perform a simple net book value calculation based on straight-line or declining balance depreciation. To do so, a certain amount of information (value, date, etc.) must be entered. The user must also enter the date of the financial year the general configuration.

The display of financial information for each type of equipment depends on the profile of the user logged in.

Associated Contracts

The Contracts tab is used to show or add linked contracts.

Contract display screen

For each associated contract, the name, number, contract type, supplier, start date and initial duration of the contract are listed. In the last field, the end date of the contract is also shown with a red display if the date is earlier than the current date.

Refer to contract management for more information.


Additional information is stored in the form of external documents which are files uploaded into GLPI. In the Documents tab, documents can be associated and unlinked with the selected item. The management of the documents themselves is dealt with in another chapter.

It is also possible to quickly create a document via this tab by specifying the desired file and optionally the field in which the new document is to be placed. The name of the created document will be based on the name of the added file.

Document creation screen


When you delete a document from this tab via mass actions, you only remove the link between the object and the document; the document itself is still present.


The Tickets tab is used to create a ticket associated with the current object. It also lists the tickets already linked to the object.

Image of the ticket list


A second table lists the tickets attached to the linked elements


Any deletion or addition of a ticket is recorded in the history.


The Problems tab is used to create a problem associated with the current object. It also lists the changes already linked to the object.

This summary table includes for each object:

  • Status

  • Date (opening or expiry date, resolution or closing date depending on the status of the problem)

  • Priority

  • Requestor(s) and assigned technician(s)

  • Associated elements

  • Category

  • Name

  • Column indicating the number of scheduled tasks

Creation and list of associated problems


A second table lists the problems attached to the related elements


Any deletion or addition of a problem is recorded in the history.


The Changes tab is used to create a change associated with the current object. It also lists the changes already linked to the object.

This summary table includes the following fields for each object:

  • Status

  • Date (opening or expiry date, resolution or closing date depending on the status of the change)

  • Priority

  • Requestor(s) and assigned technician(s)

  • Associated elements

  • Category

  • Name

  • Number of scheduled tasks

Creation and list of associated changes


A second table lists the changes attached to the related elements


Any deletion or addition of a change is recorded in the history.


The History tab is used to show any changes made to an item. The following information about the changes is available:

  • ID of the change.

  • Date and time the change was made.

  • User who made the change. If this field is not filled, it means that the action was done automatically (For example: automatic inventory update).

  • Field that was changed.

  • Description of the change that was made.

The description of the change represents either the difference between the old and the new value (For example with location field: Change HQ to Remote Office A), or the explanation of the action which was carried out (For example: Uninstallation of a software: « Gimp 2.0 »).


For dropdowns or objects with a parent/child relationship, the modification of a child will appear in the history of the parent element.

All Information

For an item, all information is displayed on one page from the All tab. This shows all of the tabs of an object’s form in one view, one below the other.