Notification Definitions

A notification definition in GLPI is composed of:

  • One or more notification templates

    Templates are added for specific notifications modes. This allows you to use one template for email notifications and another for browser notifications.

  • A set of recipients

    The list of recipients could include specific users, groups, etc or can include dynamic recipients such as « Requester » which would be replaced by all user’s listed as requester on a Ticket for example.

  • An item type (Ex: Ticket).

  • An event from the specified item type (Ex: Add).

The different tabs

  • Notification
    A notification is composed of a certain number of specific fields to fill in:
    • Name: Name of the notification.

    • Active: Allows you to temporarily deactivate a notification.

    • Type: Type of GLPI object to which the notification refers.

    • Notification mode The notification method (Email and Browser available by default).

    • Event: Indicates what will be the triggering event following the type of the object.

  • Notification templates: Indicates the notification that will be sent for the object type and the event defined previously.

  • Recipients

    This is where you define who will receive the notification.

    A certain number of actors of the application are proposed and the list The list varies according to the type of object defined.

    This list includes, but is not limited to:

    • Administrator: person whose email address has been defined in the global configuration of email follow-ups.

    • Entity Administrator: person, for each entity, whose email address is defined in the entity configuration of email follow-ups.

    • Requester: The person who is listed as the requester in the ticket.

    • Technician in charge of the ticket: Users assigned to the ticket.

    • Group XXX: All the people who have access in the entity and who are part of the group.

    • Group XXX without supervisor: All members of the group except the person declared Manager of the group.

    • Group in charge of the ticket: All the members of the group to which the ticket is assigned.

    • Group in charge of the ticket without supervisor: All members of the group assigned to the ticket, except for the person declared Manager of the group.

    • Requesting group: All members of the group indicated as the requesting group of the ticket.

    • Observer group: All members of the group indicated as the observer group of the ticket.

    • Observer: The person who is the observer of the ticket.

    • Profile XXX : All the people who have access in the entity and who have this profile.

    • Writer: person who enters the information.

    • Technical manager: The person designated as the user responsible for the asset(s) related to the ticket.